SYMBIS functions as a mentoring platform designed for couples in committed relationships, be it dating, engaged, or already married. No matter where couples find themselves in their relationship journey, our committed mentors and supportive community are ready to provide assistance.

This application marks the initial step in a process that aims to train and qualify you and your spouse (if both mentoring) to become Marriage Mentors with The Crossing Church. Our Marriage Mentors undertake the responsibility of reviewing SYMBIS results obtained from a couple's online assessment and meeting with them up to four times to guide them through the outcomes. The goal is for mentors to bring wisdom, guidance, and spiritual insight to couples at various stages of their relationship journey. As part of the application process, a background check and the inclusion of your image and a brief bio on the church website are required.

Upon completing the Marriage Mentor application, the following steps will unfold:

  1. Initiate The Crossing Join a Team process and background check.
  2. Initiation of the SYMBIS facilitator online training (with a $50 fee).
  3. A personal meeting with a pastor.
  4. Updating our website with your Marriage Mentor Profile.
  5. Assignment of your first couple of mentor.

How many participants will you be registering?